Kotlin or Java | Whether to switch or not

kotlin vs java

Hello to all the developers out there!
Today's post is specifically for the Android Developers. We at Excitainment, Tech section try to keep all our viewers belonging to different fields and interests updated with the latest news. As our last post was for our audience related to Gaming. Similarly, today the post is for the Android Development. As the issue being discussed today is getting much attention these days. And many people are confused in making the appropriate decision. So, we are here to help. 


We will be discussing Kotlin (the new official Android language). The features of Kotlin in detail. Its advantages over Java (if any). Some common differences among Java and Kotlin. We will try to answer your questions i.e. should you switch to Kotlin or stick to Java. We will help you make this decision and get rid of the common confusion among Android Developers these days.

On 17th May 2017, Kotlin was announced as the official language for Android Development. Well this news got a variety of mixed reactions. This was a good news for some people and at the same time many hated this. 
Which were the people who loved the news? Well some people who were using Kotlin before it appeared as a good news for them. 
people appreciating kotlin

And who were the people hating the news. People using Java having no prior knowledge of Kotlin, they didn't seem to like this, as it would be a big change. 
negative reactions on kotlin

Its not easy for people to switch languages, some people find it quite disturbing switching to a new language as they are used to a language already. Well this made the developers think whether they should switch to Kotlin or stick to Java.

There is nothing new in this situation, it is quite possible that every developer might have faced such a situation once in his development life. Back in 2014, when SWIFT was released the developers were facing the same situation as today. But we see Swift as quiet a successful language today.

Kotlin logo


Before proceeding further let us tell you about Kotlin. We will present a brief overview of the KOTLIN language. What it is and how it is.

KOTLIN is a statically typed programming language for modern multi platform applications.
                                                                                                                                       (Definition from kotlinlang.org)

Kotlin is an open source language just like Android. It is said to be quiet concise and expressive. Its quiet powerful and it is interoperable with Java. It is said to be a modern language that is much safer. The main feature of Kotlin are as follows.
The code of Kotlin is said to be quiet safe. You don't have to deal with Null Pointer Exceptions.
The code written in Kotlin is quiet concise as compared to Java. You don't have to write lengthy code to express what you want to do.
  • There are data classes and lambdas which will help the code to be concise.
In Kotlin you will also see named arguments in addition to default arguments. Default arguments will help you reduce the number of overloaded arguments. Call functions using names that will make the code more readable.
There are extension functions with which you can extend functionality without inheritance.
  • NO findViewById
There is no findViewById. The purpose is to make you focus on writing logic and making the code less verbose.
Kotlin code is totally operable with JAVA . Kotlin is a JVM language so it is 100% operable with Java. You can call java code by using Kotlin code.
Android Studio 3.0 comes out of the box with Kotlin. It has powerful tools for android support. You can convert code snippets or entire Java files to Kotlin easily when you paste code into Kotlin file.
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Kotlin is being used to develop applications. Its not that much new. Some of the famous Applications that are made using Kotlin are as follows:
coursera logo  
evernote logo
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uber logo


udacity logo


We are now well aware of the features that Kotlin is offering us. So, whats the final verdict. Should we switch to Kotlin or not.


As far as switching to Kotlin is concerned, we have the different advice for people of different levels. As Kotlin is somewhat new to the people it may not be that much easy for people to learn it.


java for beginners

If you are new to Android Development and are in the beginners category, you are in the learning phase or have progressed a little further in the learning procedure. You should consider learning Java as it would be much convenient. Don't worry about Kotlin. Just start learning Java, don't confuse yourself. Java is not going anywhere its here and its here for you. Learning Java would not be a problem for you as there are plenty of resources and tutorials available on the internet.
Another thing is that support is also available for Java for example : whenever we run into some problem we search it on Stackoverflow and most of the times we get the solution. The problem for which we are searching someone has already ran into it. The question that we have to ask someone has already asked, which makes it easier to solve the problem and you don't have to wait for someone to answer your question which obviously would require some time.
If you want to start Kotlin with as a beginner in Android development then you might run into some problems.

  • There are not that much resources or tutorials available on the internet for Kotlin.
  • If you run into a problem it would be difficult for you to search for an appropriate solution as there is not much about Kotlin on the Internet.
But no problem, the Internet is very fast it wont take long when resources will be fully available for Kotlin. But as a beginner stick to Java.


java to kotlin

If you are a Professional Android Developer or if you know Android Development. You have learnt Android and are capable of developing Applications. Whether you are working as an Android developer or developing apps directly from the comfort of your home. For such people we will advice you to move towards Kotlin. No need to get confused. You can slowly start leaning Kotlin and use part of codes. Try converting parts of your Java code in Kotlin in the beginning. Kotlin is completely operable with Java. You won't face much difficulty. 



Well in case of expert Android developers we don't have to advice something because the experts know everything and they have already shifted to Kotlin. Google has declared Kotlin as the official language for Android development and we must follow the changing trends. It is just same as the case with Swift and we all know how much successful Swift is today. We can hope for the same for Kotlin.


So, i hope we helped you in getting out of that confusion. We have different advice for people of different skill levels. This will help you take the decision whether you should start Kotlin or stick to Java. We wish you the best.

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