What is a Blog | Blogging for beginners
Hello to all out there!
Here is another exciting and informative post of the tech section of our blog. As you people will be noticing that the technology blog is being updated on a regular basis. That is because we know what you computer people need. You guys need to get updated regularly. Most of the geeks have a habit of following blog, articles or technology websites. Well, It's a very nice habit. One should regularly check such sites or blogs in order to keep him/herself updated with the latest knowledge. And you need to be well informed and up to date if you want to belong to the tech tribe.Considering the needs and wants of our readers we are here again trying to fulfill our duty.
Well, a word that you guys might be hearing these days is BLOG. How to start a blog, how to build a blog, how to create your own blog, what is a blog, setting up a blog? All such questions will be answered in this blog post. Well how was that! You are going to get to know how to make a blog through a blog.
We will be trying to discuss in detail how to start blogging and how to be a blogger. We will also be throwing some light on how to optimize your blog. In short, if you want to start a blog then you are on the right place. We will try to tell you in detail how to create a blog website.
Well lets get started. As you are going to start your own blog you should also know the formal definition of a blog.
A REGULARLY UPDATED WEBSITE OR WEB PAGE, THAT IS RUN BY AN INDIVIDUAL OR A GROUP, THAT IS WRITTEN IN AN INFORMAL OR CONVERSATIONAL STYLE. (Wikipedia)A blog is said to be a platform whether free or paid, that allows people to express their opinions, thoughts and reviews etc. A blog may be a personal website or diary you can say, where you can write about your interests our thoughts. It is one way of expressing yourself and conveying your ideas and thinking to the world. Many people have adopted BLOGGING as a passion or hobby. A blog is considered as a short form of Weblog.
Lets get you familiar with some of the Blog terms.
BLOGGER: a person who keeps a blog OR a person who runs or writes a blog
BLOGGING: the action of writing a blog (passion, hobby or business)
talk about the requirements. Well the things that you may need in order to
start blogging are not such a big deal. Almost everybody has'em. All you need
is a Laptop or PC. And a working Internet connection.
far as the technical skills are concerned you don't need any such skills or
some necessary pre-requisites to start blogging. If you know how to operate a
computer then you are set to go.
Well most of the times there is no such solid reason behind blogging. One may start blogging just for the sake of enjoyment or passing time. People start blogging to share information. Many people start blogging just for becoming famous. Its a fun thing and you can get much to learn from this. On the other hand many people have started blogging just for the sake of earning money and there are quite many people who have earned a living just by Blogging.
Blogging is a passion for some people, some people consider it as a hobby writing posts in their leisure time and some take it as a full time business.
Their are several ways to earn money through your blog which we will discuss in this post later. It is a very informative thing not only for the readers of the blog but for the blogger himself. So we can consider it as a healthy passion or hobby.
The type of blog is usually determined by the purpose for which the blogger is using the blog. There can be different types of blogs as people use the blog for different purposes. Lets discuss a few common types of blogs.
PERSONAL: A blog that is used for expressing personal ideas, thoughts or life events is known as personal blog.
BUSINESS: A blog that is used for business purposes or we can say for promoting business is known as business blog.
SCHOOLS: Many schools and educational institutes are using blogs as a platform of sharing information and connecting students and teachers.
NON PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS: Many non profit organizations are using blogs to spread awareness about their work.
REVIEWS: Blogs are being used for presenting reviews on different products such as mobile phones or movies etc.
MARKETING: This is the way blogs are being utilized to earn money, by affiliate marketing or by displaying ads on your pages. Google Adsense is providing such services.
Other than these blogs are serving many purposes for the military,politics and many others organizations.
WAREZ: A blog that is used to share Hacking information and cracked
Applications and Softwares.
than these blogs are serving many purposes for the military,politics and many
others organizations.
we will now proceed towards creating blog websites. Here we will tell you how do you make a blog, writing a blog and maintaining a blog. For creating a blog first of all you would have to select a platform.
What is the need of a platform? Well you definitely need a platform, as it will be serving multiple purposes for you. You need a platform for designing, maintaining and updating your blog. Other than that you will need a platform under which you will upload your blog. You can get your website designed and buy a domain usually paid and get your website running on that domain. If you could design your website yourself its good otherwise you will have to avail this service through some one and definitely it will be a paid service. And you will also have to buy a domain name that too will cost you several dollars.
We have a free solution for you. We will tell you how to start writing a blog for free.
There are several blogging platforms that provide all these services i.e : designing, maintaining, updating and uploading a blog for free.
In addition to that it can also provide a free domain name. Well that's probably a benefit that you cant ignore.
There are a lot of Blogging platforms. Above you can see a picture having the logos of three famous blog sites. The first one is the Blogger - owned by Google, the second one is the famous Wordpress and the third one is Tumblr. These are some of the famous blog creation sites. Other than these there are many other sites too. A list is given below.
- Medium
- Ghost
- Squarespace
- Wix
- Blogster
- Weebly
- Joomla
There are many sites that provide free blog creation.You may find any of the following the best place to start a blog. But we will stick to three of them.
- Blogger
- Wordpress
- Tumbler
Lets see how to create a blog using Blogger. It is a very easy procedure. Just keep your head clear and proceed step by step. I assure you creating a blog won't be a problem.
Login to www.blogger.com
This is the main page that will welcome you on Blogger's site. Click on CREATE A BLOG button.
It will take you to a Google sign in page and ask you to login to your gmail account. Simply sign in to your Gmail account.
After signing in to your Google account, it will ask you whether if you have a blogger account or a Google+ account if you have any of the two you can use it and get started.
As in my case i had a blogger account so it is being showed in the image above. Just select the one you wish to continue your blog with as it will be visible on your blog and get started.
After you select the profile and move ahead, it may ask for a user name for Blogger after entering the desire username you are brought to this page.
Well this page indicates that you have succeeded with your Blogger account and in front of you is your dashboard that is a little minimized at the moment. But no problem it will be completed as soon as you make your blog.
Just click on the CREATE NEW BLOG button.
Right after you click the CREATE NEW BLOG button. You see this pop up window. It is asking the title of your blog and the address that would be the free domain name followed by the blogspot.com.
Just enter the title and when you enter the address it is not necessary that whatever the address you may type could be available. Might be possible that the address has already been taken. After negotiating select your address.
Select a THEME that your blog would have. You can also use your own custom themes later on.
Click the CREATE BLOG button.
And THAT'S IT! Your blog has been made. It was such a simple task.
Now in front of you will be your maximized dashboard with all the options and features that you may need to manage your blog. This will be the place from where you will manage your blog.
From here the control is in your hand, these were the basic settings and adjustments that can be made to the blog. And i hope that everyone of you could easily set up a blog.
It will take you to a Google sign in page and ask you to login to your gmail account. Simply sign in to your Gmail account.
After signing in to your Google account, it will ask you whether if you have a blogger account or a Google+ account if you have any of the two you can use it and get started.
As in my case i had a blogger account so it is being showed in the image above. Just select the one you wish to continue your blog with as it will be visible on your blog and get started.
After you select the profile and move ahead, it may ask for a user name for Blogger after entering the desire username you are brought to this page.
Well this page indicates that you have succeeded with your Blogger account and in front of you is your dashboard that is a little minimized at the moment. But no problem it will be completed as soon as you make your blog.
Just click on the CREATE NEW BLOG button.
Right after you click the CREATE NEW BLOG button. You see this pop up window. It is asking the title of your blog and the address that would be the free domain name followed by the blogspot.com.
Just enter the title and when you enter the address it is not necessary that whatever the address you may type could be available. Might be possible that the address has already been taken. After negotiating select your address.
Select a THEME that your blog would have. You can also use your own custom themes later on.
Click the CREATE BLOG button.
And THAT'S IT! Your blog has been made. It was such a simple task.
Now in front of you will be your maximized dashboard with all the options and features that you may need to manage your blog. This will be the place from where you will manage your blog.
- In the left sidebar you can see the POSTS section this is where you are going to create your posts. And actually this is the posts section opened for you. In the middle there is the name of the post WHAT IS BLOG that has been made. You can see the date in the right side. Along with the date there is an eye symbol that indicates the views accompanying is the comments sign that indicates the number of comments made on the post.
- Next to the post is STATS this is where you can see your audience, track your viewers and have the details regarding traffic on your blog.
- There is a PAGES section that is present below, here you can make pages like Home, About us etc. Do add a CONTACT US and ABOUT US page on your blog as it will be quite useful.
- Below is a LAYOUT section, in this section you have to select the way things are organized on your blog. The actual layout and look of your blog can be adjusted here.
- A THEME button is also present, here you can change the theme of your blog or upload a custom self designed or downloaded theme.
From here the control is in your hand, these were the basic settings and adjustments that can be made to the blog. And i hope that everyone of you could easily set up a blog.
Now lets talk about creating a blog on Wordpress. Well there is no such difference in creating a blog on either blogger or wordpress. If you have followed the above procedure carefully "how to start a blog on wordpress". This question won't bother you at all.
Simply login to https://wordpress.com/learn-more/?v=blog
Copy the above URL and paste it into your browser.
This is the Wordpress create blog page. Just click on GET STARTED or CREATE BLOG.
This page will appear in front of you. As you can see that everything is self explanatory on these pages. They have mentioned everything with great detail that even a newbie can easily do whatever he wants.
This page is asking you to select a THEME for your blog the same as we selected in the Blogger. You can select the theme now or skip it for later.
After that it will ask you to enter the domain name. Enter your desired Domain name and check whether it is available and proceed further. Nothing is new the same things that we followed in Blogger and you are familiar with all this. Just read and follow the steps carefully and you will successfully make a blog.
As there are many sites to start a blog but determining which is the best website to start a blog is quite difficult because they all have many benefits and are competing with each other.
Creating a blog on Tumblr is also not much difficult. As you have experienced the two sites above. Now this won't be a problem for you. Everything is almost the same.
Login to https://www.tumblr.com/register
Enter your Username, Password and E-mail.
And keep following the simple steps.
And keep following the simple steps.
So folks, If you still have this question that "Which blogging platform you should use"?
Lets talk about this a little bit. As far as this question is concerned I leave this decision totally upto you.
Lets talk about this a little bit. As far as this question is concerned I leave this decision totally upto you.
We have showed you the top blogging platforms and now you know how to create a blog. Every blogging platform has its own specialities. But somehow they are all similar in a way.
Visit these sites check here and there. Navigate through the pages. Whatever you think that would suit you the most. Go for it. There are many benefits of these blogging sites e.g: Wordpress has many plugins that may prove to be quite useful.
What else we can do for you ?
This is the chart displaying that 48 % of the web is using wordpress. This chart has been taken from the site pingdom.
We hope that this may help you in deciding.
Other than the platform, I would like to say that it is you who will be taking the blog up or down. So select a platform and there is much to do for you.
Well you have now made your own blog. Post in it Play in it and Build in it. Blogging is quiet fun if you are passionate enough.
Up till now you have just created a blog. The dashboard that will be provided to you by the blogging platforms will let you do all the management with ease. There won't be much problem. But if you encounter any problem regarding any thing related to blogging. Just visit the CONTACT US section. I am just a message away.
We will be posting quiet useful tips related to Blogging such as Blog management, Content creation and management, SEO etc. It is just the initial start that we have taken today by building a blog. We will try to cover all the important aspects that a blogger should know. And we have much important information on how to run a blog, how to post things and how to reach people.

Some people face problem in writing content. So here we have it solved. This is the link to the solution. You can get some good quality content for your blog. Give it a look.
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