Tips for Blogging | Content, SEO, Traffic, Monetization
Welcome to an exciting new episode of the Technology section of this blog.
The last post was on Blogging. I bet if you have gone through the last post you will be well aware of the concept of Blogging. Last post was an in detail description on What blogging is? How to set up a blog. And a step by step guide to build a blog. This post may be considered as the continuing post of the previous one. You have set up your blog. And now you are ready to post.
In today's post we will be giving you some useful information on how to blog, how to write posts, how to increase traffic, and some tips for monetizing your blog will also be given.
Writing posts may be considered as a technical thing but believe me it won't be a problem. You are at the initial point of your blogging life. Just dont care too much about the STATS they will increase with time. Just write good quality content. That should not be copy paste at all. Content is everything for you. This is what will be taking your blog to the heights of success and at the same time content is what will be bringing you down. So write your posts carefully and consistently. As consistency is the key to success in this case. You have adopted Blogging. I don't know why. Whether you take it as a passion or you are here to make money. But keep one thing in mind. It is quite possible that it may take time. Some of you may be quite lucky enough to start earning money just in the beginning. Well its not that much difficult. You can easily earn your first dollar.
There are some demands of Blogging. It demands time most of all. It demands consistency. It demands quality. Publicity, optimization etc are some other things but play an important role for the success of your blog. Ultimately, you need number of viewers, you need traffic, you need people to visit your site. Your blog will be successful when a number of people follow you.
Well there is much more to say today. I think we should get started.
The last post was on Blogging. I bet if you have gone through the last post you will be well aware of the concept of Blogging. Last post was an in detail description on What blogging is? How to set up a blog. And a step by step guide to build a blog. This post may be considered as the continuing post of the previous one. You have set up your blog. And now you are ready to post.
In today's post we will be giving you some useful information on how to blog, how to write posts, how to increase traffic, and some tips for monetizing your blog will also be given.
Writing posts may be considered as a technical thing but believe me it won't be a problem. You are at the initial point of your blogging life. Just dont care too much about the STATS they will increase with time. Just write good quality content. That should not be copy paste at all. Content is everything for you. This is what will be taking your blog to the heights of success and at the same time content is what will be bringing you down. So write your posts carefully and consistently. As consistency is the key to success in this case. You have adopted Blogging. I don't know why. Whether you take it as a passion or you are here to make money. But keep one thing in mind. It is quite possible that it may take time. Some of you may be quite lucky enough to start earning money just in the beginning. Well its not that much difficult. You can easily earn your first dollar.
There are some demands of Blogging. It demands time most of all. It demands consistency. It demands quality. Publicity, optimization etc are some other things but play an important role for the success of your blog. Ultimately, you need number of viewers, you need traffic, you need people to visit your site. Your blog will be successful when a number of people follow you.
Well there is much more to say today. I think we should get started.
Write or share what is yours. Just be yourself share whatever you like or are interested in.
ORIGINALITY plays a vital role. Copy paste someone else’s material! Well that’s not a good idea. The main idea of the blog should be whatever you like, whatever you’re interested in and whatever you know about in the best possible manner.
When you will have all these things in your blog plus some other SEO type things viewers or traffic will be generated. It won’t be a problem for long.
Other than that, there are quite technical things that should be taken care of.
When you will have all these things in your blog plus some other SEO type things viewers or traffic will be generated. It won’t be a problem for long.
Other than that, there are quite technical things that should be taken care of.
- Good content is the key. It should be free of Plagiarism.
- SEO optimized content. Content that should be visible or searchable by the search engine. We will tell you how to write SEO optimized content further in this post.
- Try to post pictures along with your posts so that people don’t get bored reading your post.
- A good fast loading and responsive website. It plays an important role. If your website loads slowly, one may just change his mind of visiting your site as it is taking long time to respond.
- Get a domain name that is specific. You don’t need a domain name as long as someone’s postal address.
- Try to give your site a professional look, add a navigation bar and add pages like CONTACT US and ABOUT US. Navigation should be clear it should not puzzle the visitor as it may change his mind of visiting your site.
- Consistency is very important. You should post with consistency in order to develop regular traffic.
- Responsive website: A responsive website is the one that resizes itself according to the type of device on which the site is being accessed. A large number of people are using mobile phones so you can’t ignore them.
Responsive sites are very important in order to stand in the competition. Nowadays many people are using mobile phones not every one has the time to sit and switch on their laptops or computers. A large number of traffic comes from the mobile users. There are a large number of mobile users and you cannot ignore them. So what should you do in order to facilitate the mobile users.
You should have a responsive site or a seperate mobile site for mobile users.
What is the difference between Responsive site and a mobile site.
Well some other things related to responsiveness that i would like to tell you are.
When someone clicks on the SUBSCRIBE button it opens a pop up form where it is asking for the viewer to enter his email address. When someone will enter his email address he will get notifications from your site whenever your blog is updated.
Other than this there are many other sites that can help you handle your E-mail list.
You should have a responsive site or a seperate mobile site for mobile users.
What is the difference between Responsive site and a mobile site.
- A Mobile Site has address .e.g.
- Whereas a responsive site will be full address
- A mobile site may have two codes one for the mobile site and other for the full site.
- A Responsive site has only one code which has the code for responsiveness within.
- Always choose a theme that is responsive for your site.
- If you are a developer yourself and have designed your site yourself. I will suggest you to use HTML 5 instead of HTML.
- Tumblr and blogger have the responsive system built in. This is one of the benefits of using a blogging platform.
Nothing is said to be perfect. Well it may be in some cases but not in ours. As we have designed some rules by following which we can write a perfect post. Writing content is not that much difficult.
Content is the HEART of a blog. You might have heard that CONTENT IS KING. Well it is. Choose a suitable niche for your blog. Select something you are good at or interested in.
In Blogging, the game is all about CONTENT. What your blog possess, the quality of posts, originality and genuineness of the posts these are some of the things on which the success of your blog depends upon.
Writing posts is your thing to do. What we will tell you is how to write a post. What are the key points which you have to follow to write a perfect post. Lets start!
- First of all the title, The title should be very attractive. Select a title that people search for. Specific, precise and to the point.
- Add some pictures and videos to prevent your users from getting bored. You don't want to sound dull. And you don't want your article to look like an alphabet soup. Pictures will help you.
- Another great role is played by the language. You can use any type of proper, easy and understandable language. There should be no grammar mistakes. As search engines don't like sites having grammar mistakes.
- Write about interesting and trending things. Things that are trending at the current time or write about what you think people would like to see.
- Proof reading is very important. It is quite possible that you make mistakes while writing or typing, you may notice them while proof reading your article.
- Don't forget to add links for social media sharing as it will help you increase traffic and your regular viewers. People like to tag their friends in interesting things.
I know many people face problems in writing content for their blog. I personally know people that find it difficult in writing articles and content but want to make a blog.
Well their intention behind blogging is earning. Yes they are the people who want to start blogging just to earn money through Affiliate marketing or Adsense.
There is nothing bad if you want to start blogging just to earn money. We have a solution for these people. You can get your content written by others.
There is nothing bad if you want to start blogging just to earn money. We have a solution for these people. You can get your content written by others.
We have a link below that provides quality 5 star content that will help you increase traffic as it is SEO optimized and could prove to be a permanent solution for your problem.
Open the link visit the site. Check different offers.
Open the link visit the site. Check different offers.
It would prove to be of great help.
Search engine optimization is a process for increasing the number of viewers or traffic on a particular site by ensuring that the site appears in the top of the search engine results.
You may have seen this term SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION before. What does it really mean? After doing a lot of hardwork on your blog. After spending a lot of time on your blog writing blog posts. Everyone wants people to come to their blog read their posts, give feedback. Every blogger wants traffic on their blog. Search Engine Optimization is one important way of increasing traffic and bringing people to your beloved blog.
As you know most of the people search on search engines. It is a common practice. When i am searching some information. I just go to and search whatever I want. Google holds a great part of the total searches of the web as it is one of the best search engines.
There are many search engines like
- Yahoo
- Bing
- DuckDuckGo
How can you come come in the top rankings of a search engine. How can you make your posts visible to search engines. There are many ways and you have to do a lot to come upto the top rankings. As the competition is quite tough. You may hire some SEO services by some SEO agency. SEO marketing has become necessary for bloggers and other site owners if they want traffic.
You posts should be SEO optimized. What does that mean. Search engines work on KEYWORDS People type in Keywords and the search engine searches for Keywords. So keyword is the main thing. Try to use such keywords that you think people will search for or people will type in the search engine.
We have a complete post on Search Engine Optimization in which we have discussed in detail the SEO system and you can have the answers to all your questions related to search engines.
Other than this we have another have another tip for you in this section.
Try submitting your sites to the search engines so that they start indexing your site.
Google submit site
Yahoo and Bing submit site
Note : There is no need to submit your sites to Yahoo and Bing seperately. If you have submitted your site to Bing that is enough. As Bing and Yahoo are probably a unit now. If your site is visible on Bing than it will also be visible on Yahoo.

In this section of the post, we will tell you different ways to drive traffic to your site. There are many ways in which you can drive traffic to your site or blog. Everyone wants heavy traffic on their site as it helps in the ranking too. We hope you have submitted you site to search engines, we will be showing some more tricks to drive traffic.
An E-mail list is something that will help you to build regular traffic or viewers of your blog. Biuld your email list. If you have an email list of your viewers you can regularly send them mails. It is a very useful technique. Whenever you post something new you can notify people through your email list. Whenever you update any section of your blog give them a notification. Looks like a great way to increase traffic and retain users. But from where will i get the E-mail addresses.
Well we have the answer. The easiest way is to add a SUBSCRIBE button on your site.
Well we have the answer. The easiest way is to add a SUBSCRIBE button on your site.
Let me show you an example.
This is my blog, look at the top under the name of the blog there is a SUBSCRIBE button. This button will help you collect email addresses from people.
When someone clicks on the SUBSCRIBE button it opens a pop up form where it is asking for the viewer to enter his email address. When someone will enter his email address he will get notifications from your site whenever your blog is updated.
Other than this there are many other sites that can help you handle your E-mail list.
- Mailchimp
- Aweber
- Getresponse
Article submission is one effective way of increasing traffic to your blog. What is an article submission site? This whole thing may sound confusing to you but don't worry we will explain it.
You have heard about if no give this site visit. This site has articles on it on almost every aspect, field and walk of life. People post different questions on this site. And some other people answer those questions. It can help you in many ways. Quora is also a heavy traffic site.
How can Quora help you?
Quora can help you in different ways as from Barack Obama to people like you and me all visit Quora to get answers.
What you have to do is search the site for some questions that you think you can answer try to select questions or topics related to which you have articles on your blog. Try to answer the questions and place links to your blog in your answers. This may help you gain extraordinary traffic to your blog. Don't believe it. I still get traffic from answers that i gave several months ago. You will have to try it to believe it!
This strategy works.
Quora can help you in different ways as from Barack Obama to people like you and me all visit Quora to get answers.
What you have to do is search the site for some questions that you think you can answer try to select questions or topics related to which you have articles on your blog. Try to answer the questions and place links to your blog in your answers. This may help you gain extraordinary traffic to your blog. Don't believe it. I still get traffic from answers that i gave several months ago. You will have to try it to believe it!
This strategy works.
We have some more sites that would help you in article submission.
Quora :
Quora :
Google sites :
Reddit :
Ezinearticles :
The hottest publicity and traffic generating source is social media. Social media sites can bring a very large number of traffic to your site. These are the most active source of traffic currently. You all will be associated to any social network right now and you all have the idea how it works. According to me getting some good number of likes on your page via social networks is not a big deal.
People just like pages just scrolling down their news feed if something interesting hits by they like it.
What you can do is create a fan page on Facebook and share your blog posts in it. In the same way you can utilize Twitter and Instagram.
Some of the famous social networking sites are :
People just like pages just scrolling down their news feed if something interesting hits by they like it.
What you can do is create a fan page on Facebook and share your blog posts in it. In the same way you can utilize Twitter and Instagram.
Some of the famous social networking sites are :
- Google plus
- Flickr
Guest blogging is another way of increasing traffic on your blog. It is also a good way of publicity.
Guest blogging is when you post on someone else's blog just to promote your blog or grab some viewers. Your post may have a backlink to your blog or site. So that if someone visits your guest post your blog will also be present.
In the same way you can allow someone else to post on your blog for the sake of promotion.
It used to be a useful source of promotion and it could really help increase your traffic. But now some sources consider guest blogging as dead.
As you know some people take blogging as a passion and some do it just for earning money. And no doubt, there are many people who have earned a living just by Blogging. Blogging can prove to be a very profitable business. As people are earning handsome amounts of money from blogging.
What s the way to earn money from a blog. How do people earn money from a blog. We have the answer to all your questions.
What s the way to earn money from a blog. How do people earn money from a blog. We have the answer to all your questions.
We will be telling you two methods of earning money.
- Publishing Ads
- Affiliate Marketing
I think almost everyone of you may be familiar with Google Adsense. You may have heard this name many times. Let's see what is this Google Adsense and what services does it provide.
This is one way of earning money through your blog. You can publish ads on your website. And whenever someone clicks those Ads you get paid. Looks like a great idea.
Who will pay you? And where to get Ads to publish?
The answer is Google Adsense. Adsense will pay you and provide you ads. You can think of Google Adsense as a marketing company it has ads and it gives you ads to publish on your site for marketing purposes. Whenever someone clicks on the ads that are published on your site you get the commission. Looks simple as ABC.
Well, it is that simple in one way and not in the other. People who are using Blogger has the facility of Adsense in the earnings section of their Blogger dashboard.
This is one way of earning money through your blog. You can publish ads on your website. And whenever someone clicks those Ads you get paid. Looks like a great idea.
Who will pay you? And where to get Ads to publish?
The answer is Google Adsense. Adsense will pay you and provide you ads. You can think of Google Adsense as a marketing company it has ads and it gives you ads to publish on your site for marketing purposes. Whenever someone clicks on the ads that are published on your site you get the commission. Looks simple as ABC.
Well, it is that simple in one way and not in the other. People who are using Blogger has the facility of Adsense in the earnings section of their Blogger dashboard.
Pros of Adsense
- It is simple and easy to manage. They provide Ads and what you have to do is just place them on the pages of your site.
- There are many free templates and themes for your site that are designed for Adsense. Just search Google for Adsense responsive blogger templates.
Cons of Adsense
- You have to create an Adsense account in order to publish Ads. Adsense has some conditions which you have to follow only then your Adsense account will be approved.
- But there is not much problem just follow the rules and it won't take long and you will have your own Adsense account.
Affiliate Marketing is something that will help you make a lot of money.
Hardly there would be a person who is running a blog or site and doesn't know about this money making trick. There are several networks that provide Affiliate marketing.
Hardly there would be a person who is running a blog or site and doesn't know about this money making trick. There are several networks that provide Affiliate marketing.
What is the main idea of Affiliate marketing? Let me explain.
Consider that there is beauty product and you are told to promote it. What you have to do is write a blog post discussing and promoting the beauty product and the affiliate links are also present in the post. Now use all the traffic driving methods that we have discussed recently in this post. Whenever someone buys that product through your affiliate links you get paid.
Affiliate marketing is considered to generate more money or commission as compared to Adsense. By using some other forex applications you can increase your earning to a greater level.
Affiliate marketing is considered to generate more money or commission as compared to Adsense. By using some other forex applications you can increase your earning to a greater level.
In the case of Ad publishing there was Adsense similarly there are some people providing Affiliate services too. There are some well known companies that are providing affiliate services. We have mentioned the companies along with the links.
- Amazon -
- ClickBank -
- Commision Junction -
- Peerfly -
And here we are done. These are the tips that we would like to give to anyone who has started a blog and is looking forward to it. I hope that these tips may prove to be very beneficial for the new Bloggers. We have tried our best to explain you the system of blogging in very simple words. There is much more ti know about Blogging.
Well, we have our next post that will be very important and is related to SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION (SEO). Don't miss out as it may prove to be a game changer for your blog in terms of Traffic.
And don't Forget to SUBSCRIBE, on the top ⇫. We'll notify you whenever there is something new.
Stay tuned.
Stay tuned.
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