Java : Background, Applications, Firewall and Bytecode | Introduction to Java

Hello Geeks..! Here we are with another episode of the tech section of this blog. You guys remember the C and C++ post. You should consider this post as the Part II or the continuing post of C and C++. As the Java programming language comes from the background of C and C++. Today we will be introducing you to JAVA programming language. Java is a cross platform language and is quiet famous for this feature. Whether you know how to code in Java or not, I can bet all of you are well aware of the position of Java in the industry. Applications for the world famous operating system Android are also developed in Java. We will be telling you about the birth and importance of the Java programming language. Lets not waste time and take you to what you are waiting for. The birth of JAVA Java was developed by James Gosling, Chris Warth, Mike Sheridan, Patrick Naughton and Ed Frank at Sun Microsystems which is now a part of Oracle corporation. Java has adopted its syntax from C and C++. I...